Monday, February 5, 2007

helical helix

1. Sun is a star in motion [rotation and revolution]. The shape ascribed to this as a burning mass of gas refers only to the photosphere. The main body has been neither observed, nor the energy emission areas next to the main body described. The complete picture of such a body should look like an Olympic torch in motion. All stars should have similar shape.

2. The planets can have no heliocentric orbits. In the tropics we observe for our planet earth day time and night time in a 24 hour cycle duration. This is possible only when a planet moves in a helical orbit.

3. The inclination of the axis -23 degrees 27’ 30’’ refers to the angle at the cone apex and the complete 46 degrees 55’ solid angle is formed at the cone apex. The base of the cone represents the planetary orbit. When the planet moves along its orbit the base extends as a sinusoid curve describing a helix.

Other planets also present similar patterns for their orbits.

Hence the solar system should be conceived as a coaxial cone in helical motion.

The solid angle at the cone apex [photosphere] and the distance at which the planet is located are two constants for each planet.

All calculations will have to be done accordingly.

4. Our earth with lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere in motion should look like a comet. The lithosphere and hydrosphere together look like a spheroid but the atmosphere gets extended like an extended mantle, a tail.

Other planets or celestial bodies with gaseous atmosphere should look like a comet.

5. The moon as a natural satellite maintains a helical orbit around the orbit of the planet.

Calculations will have to be made for journey to the moon.

For other planets depending on their relative position, whether internal or external slight variations are necessary for take off and landing.

6. Animal migration, climate changes, weather conditions are all applied fields related to these conceptual changes.

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