Saturday, February 24, 2007

Parallax method of calculating the distance between celestial objects takes into consideration the triangulation technique. The method as such has cer

1.1 Visibility at its best is possible with in a circular area of 30 degrees around the Nadir. On a curved surface the curvature of the globe on which the observer is located and that of the celestial globe wherein the celestial bodies are located the visibility suffers significantly gradually decreasing towards the periphery until the horizon is reached. On the other hemisphere occurs similar phenomenon. The angular distance, the shape of the Constellation or other larger systems will have to be considered for the calculations.

Those celestial bodies at Nadir tonight reach zenith point in six months period. The presence of solar illumination hinders visibility of the rest of the objects.

1.2 When helical [sinusoid] orbit describes any dynamic orbits for celestial bodies instead of a static [circular or elliptical] ones the base of the “triangle” differs significantly.

1.3 The relative position of the observer, north/ south shift of the planet during its orbital displacement and the location of specific star or star groups combine to complicate the calculation in this method.

2. Distances between planets will have to be calculated once again in view of their sinusoid orbits and variability in duration. For example, for one 360 degree orbital revolution of Saturn our planet Earth moves at least 29.46 years.

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