Monday, January 15, 2007

Ana lemma explained

Sun photographed through one year at ten day interval, presents 36 exposures in a special pattern known as Ana lemma in astronomical literature.
It is significant that the camera was located at one spot and exposure made at a specific pre determined time
The constellation at the back ground gets shifted every month depending on the orbital displacement of the planet earth. The 24 hour rotation maintains the exposure of one side alone to the sunlight.
An axial rotation explains the day night sequence.
Incident sunlight is perpendicular to the planetary axis when the camera is within the range of exposure of planetary surface This pattern may be identified as Moebius loop.

In this case the axial shift, either to the north or to the south as the case may be, describes the solstices and the east west shift the equinoxes. This is the yearly motion on its orbit. Therefore the orbit describes a HELIX and the heliocentric orbit is no more valid.
Similar patterns are obtainable for all celestial bodies.

Solar system may be described as a series of coaxial cones on one side of the sun. When sun is moving forward on its orbit the coaxial cones maintain the orbit behind maintaining the cone apex at the photosphere. The solid angle at the cone apex corresponds to the so called inclination of the planetary axis in each case. This angle and the distance between the photosphere and the planet are constants.

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